Hot on the High Street

This colourful jumpsuit from Urban Outfitters is perfect for summer. It looks light and airy which will be great on those humid days in England, or an evening outfit for holidays abroad. The colours are amazing – add a simple bag and sandals and you’re done!

Colourful jumpsuit.001


Urban Outfitters 

Things I Love This Week – Week 21

Hey everyone!

Hope your week has been fun!
How was your view of the partial eclipse? Anything that means we get to have a slow morning, sip tea and get some fresh air is ok with me!

Here are few things I’ve been loving online this week:

Mustard Bag

This bag is perfect.

Boxing Women

This is one of many powerful historical images of women. More here.


And this is just one of many stunning photographs from this wedding.


These steps remind me of the super steep, long as hell steps in Istanbul. I would have much preferred to have walked up them if they were painted like a piano!


Have you been watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt? I wasn’t sure about it at first, the advert didn’t convince me. But Ross wanted to watch it and now I’m loving it!

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Got the cat one. Now definitely need the fox version.

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Having a slow weekend? Fancy a spot of reading?:

Why English is the worst language.

Why is he government making us pay for our periods?

Make the perfect fabric buckets

Have a lovely weekend folks!


I watched Freaky Friday on the weekend. And as well as being a blast from the past as one of my favourite teen movies, it also made me want to listen to all the music I loved at the time. This song is a classic from the film and made me want to pop on a pair of skinny jeans, converse and a band tee!

Style Crush – Michelle Williams


It’s been a while since I shared a style crush – mostly because I hardly ever fully love someones style. 100% of the time.
But here it is and it’s a corker, style crush number two – Michelle Williams.

No matter what the occasion Michelle Williams’ style is always on point. Whether she is getting a Latte or a Golden Globe, walking the red carpet or on the school run, I always want what she is wearing. She effortlessly looks great in jeans and a tshirt or a shirt-dress and loafers. All this whilst still looking stunning in a floor length awards gown.

This woman has it all.













After Graduation – The Big ‘What Now?

Graduation_Year I know a lot of you will be getting closer to finishing uni and when I think back to my final year, I was petrified!

I think I started questioning what my future would hold right back in my second year but it was during my third year when I started to see the light at the end of the tunnel and wonder what I was going to do once uni was over.

This is going to be the start of the rest of your life and that in itself is one of the scariest thoughts ever. This is what you’ve been building up to your whole life – it’s the end of education. It’s finally your time to grow up, and who the hell wants to do that?!

Almost three years on (woah, that’s an awfully long time!), here is what I learnt after I graduated:

-Your overdraft is fine. You can dig yourself out of it over the next year. It only takes a bit of money each month and you’ll soon feel a whole lot better!

-There are loads of jobs out there and you probably won’t end up in the role you thought you would have. But that’s fine. I certainly didn’t expect to be an Account Manager but I couldn’t be happier.

-On a similar note, your degree doesn’t define you. You don’t have to seek jobs related to that degree. You can move on.

-Don’t compare yourself to others graduating at the same time as you. It’s not healthy.

-You will lose touch with 90% of the people you met at uni. Don’t beat yourself up about it, the ones that matter will always stick around.

-Sometimes you have to work for free to get the job you want. That’s ok. But don’t accept it for too long. Everyone deserves to be paid.

-Everyone starts at the bottom. Learn to make tea rounds.

-Everyone makes their way up. And you will move up faster than you anticipated. Remember to still the make tea rounds.

-Your graduation picture will be the worst picture you’ve ever had. So will everyone else’s.

-Moving back home with your parents isn’t as bad as you think. And it will save you a lot of money.

-Go on holiday. It was the best thing I did when uni ended. You deserve the rest and it will help you figure out ‘what’s next?’

-You can no longer get away with coming home at 4am and being awake again at 9am. You can try, but you won’t function properly. Make the most of it when you’re at uni.

-Getting a part time or retail job after uni isn’t failing, as long as you keep looking for the job you want at the same time.

-Midday naps are a thing of the past. Enjoy them while you can.

-Your degree (First, 2:1, 2:3) aren’t the be all and end all. Most employers like you to have a degree for the life experience uni gives you. But mostly they employ you because you’re you.

-Uni was great. But you’ll look back one day and think ‘I couldn’t do that again!’ Life after uni is alright!

-And finally – relax, go with the flow, everything will fall into place eventually. xxx

Worried about your student loan?


With tuition fees getting higher and higher, the cost of going to university is often the main reason you’d reconsider your options. Do I really want this much debt at the end of it? Am I really going to get a job good enough to pay off this debt?

I was pretty lucky I went to uni when the fees were still in the £3000’s – and even then I felt cheated. My boyfriend at the time only had to pay £2000 and it wasn’t too long ago that uni was a whole lot cheaper than that.
When looking into uni options, it frustrated me that it cost so much. Uni applications were on the rise and this was how they were handling it – by making it a costly decision to make. However, just because you were ‘clever enough’ or even just had enough drive and determination to go onto further education, didn’t mean you had the money to afford it. Obviously, that’s where the student loan comes in.

For those of you who haven’t been to uni in the UK, the government offer you a student loan or grants to pay for your course fees and living allowance. How much you are given is based on your family income.

These loans/grants are paid back once you have left uni (normally no sooner than the April the following year) using a monthly repayment scheme. This takes a percentage of your salary before your wages have even entered your bank account.

This might seem weird – they take your money without you knowing?! But seriously, this is a good thing. I pay back my uni fees without even realising I’m doing it. I don’t see the money go in and out my account, it’s like the money wasn’t mine to begin with.

Uni for me was the start of my career. It cost me over £30,000 in debt to get the job, but I can honestly say I wouldn’t have got the job if I didn’t go to uni. As for the £30,000 – as scary as it might sound, it’s like I don’t even have it.

I’m not saying everyone should go to uni. I know the uni lifestyle isn’t for certain people and I know some jobs don’t require a degree, however if you are considering uni and worried about the debt, don’t be.

My 5 Favourite Non-English words


You know when you need a word but the English language fails you? These are my 5 favourite words that exist around the world and are truly brilliant.

1. Mamihlapinatapei
The wordless, yet meaningful look shared by two people who both desire to initiate something but are both reluctant to start. You know you’ve had that moment!
Yagan (indigenous language of Tierra del Fuego)

2. Ilunga

A person who is ready to forgive and forget any first abuse, tolerate it the second time, but never forgive or tolerate on the third offence.
Tshiluba (Southwest Congo) 

3. Saudade
The feeling of longing for something or someone that you love and which is lost.

4. Lebensmüde

The word literally means to be tired of life. You have no idea how many times I have needed this word!

5. Age-otori 
To look worse after a hair cut. We’ve all been there!

Image Source: Unsplash


Last week I wrote about the song that got me through a ‘break up’. Before I made the decision to never go back there again, I was playing this album over and over again. This song made me question what I was doing and where the relationship was going.

Are you stuck in a ‘no-strings-attached’ relationship? Are you desperate for things to go further, but know it won’t? Are you scared of bringing it up just in case it ends your current relationship for good?

Then listen to this song by Frightened Rabbit.