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Hello and welcome to my humble blog.

My name’s Lou, I’m 24 and I live in Birmingham, UK. I love red lipstick and burritos (although the two don’t mix well!)

On my blog you’ll find everything from workout posts to food posts. Product reviews to reviews of my own weekend. Have a look around and don’t forget to say hi : )

You can also find me on twitter and instragram

What better way to get to know me than 30 random things about me:

1. Call me Lou (but I’ll answer to Louise, Williams, Wills – pretty much any variation of my name!)
2. I live in Birmingham, UK. The Jewellery Quarter to be precise.
3. I have never broken a bone. And don’t plan to.
4. I love reading, but definitely don’t do it enough.
5. I am definitely a old lady stuck in a young body. I love pots of tea, blankets and crafts.
6. I have a brother and a sister. I’m the youngest of the three.
7. I love Autumn. I have the skin made for Summer, but the need for coziness made for Autumn.
8. I would prefer to have a full and curvaceous figure such as those of the old pin-up models to the stick figures of Hollywood today.
9.I like having new experiences. It doesn’t really matter if they’re good or bad.
10. I don’t really do favourites. I like too many things.

11. I’m 5’9″ and only just got over being so lanky.
12. I studied at BIAD and completed a degree in BA(Hons) Visual Communication – Advertising.
13. I have a boy, Ross, who loves to bake. My mind is happy about this. My body, not so much. It’s an on-going battle.
14. I am not a morning person.
15.  I used to swim nationally. I stopped when I was 19.
16. I work in an advertising and marketing agency. And I love it. Yes, I love my job.
17. I suffer from acne more now than when I was a teen.
18. I love music. I love gigs, festivals, discovering new music, discovering old music. But I don’t have a single musical bone in my body.
19. I’d be happy staying in on a Sunday – drinking tea, playing scrabble and watching Disney films.
20. I have an irrational fear of walking behind cars with people at the driving seat. I think they won’t see me and start reversing.

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21. I spent my whole childhood wearing hand-me-downs. Both my sisters and my brothers.
22. I have a ‘generosity jar’. We put all our spare change in it and one day we will donate it to a needy cause. I have no idea what it will be yet.
23. My birthday is on New Years Eve and I hate it. Everyone counts out of your birthday, who wants that?!
24. I have two tattoos. I am constantly thinking of getting others, but never know if it will happen.
25. I can recite all the words in Matilda.
26. My biggest pet hate is people who eat with their mouth open.
27. You wouldn’t presume it from the way I look, but my favourite music is of the heavier variety…you’re more likely to find me on the edge of a mosh pit than dancing in a club. Although I do seem to be getting further and further back in the mosh pit these days!
28. I’m so laid back that I’m practically lying down.
29. I love travelling. I want to see as much of the world as possible.
30. I love tea. Make me tea and I’m yours.

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